Carlin has famously propagated, that it is not enough to teach children to
read, but for them to learn to question what they read. We as teachers are
responsible for shaping and channeling such ideas and curiosity. It is believed
that young impressionable children often enter the school with a mind as a
blank canvas, and the knowledge his instrument- to paint a life – beautiful
with a myriad of colours. But it is not only necessary to cultivate ideas, but
also provide the power to construct them as reality. In this world, where
failure has become part and parcel of learning, it is undoubtedly important for
us to remember and teach- that mistakes are our best teachers, and should be
taken as lessons in life to stand tall and competent.
An amicable school environment is absolutely necessary to provide such
education. As a temple of learning, we believe in making our students not only
proficient for career preparation but also well- equipped to face challenges in
life head-on.
Education is not confinement to understanding reading and writing, but learning
to differentiate right from wrong, a sense of responsibility to one’s society,
and reflecting one’s spirit in the right direction by one’s morals and values.
Mr Vipin Sangal
Maples Academy Shamli